Page 55 - South Mississippi Living - January, 2025
P. 55

  The Faces of Breast Cancer Awareness CARTER’S CHAMPIONS
When pals John Carter and Jourdan Derouen set out to create a grassroots breast cancer awareness organization seven years ago, little did they know they were blazing a hot pink trail of hope.
And not just for survivors of breast cancer, but also for friends, families, or just anyone whose life has been touched by the second leading cause of death worldwide. Cancer as a whole accounts for about 9.6 million annual global deaths.
“My aunt passed away from breast cancer,” Carter said. “The last month of her life, it really hit her pretty hard. I was able to spend a lot of time with her and I still get a little choked up just thinking about what she went through.”
Both having watched loved ones suffer from cancer, Carter and Derouen knew they wanted to do something to help raise aware- ness and became ambassadors for the American Cancer Society’s Real Men Wear Pink effort. But being the creative types they are, they knew they could do so much more.
And just like that, Carter’s Champions and the Pink Dress Run were born, and these dedicated friends never looked back. When they realized the event
was quickly taking off, they established a board
of directors. “We cherish our board,” Derouen said. “We’re always bouncing ideas around. Some work, some bomb, but we are all a
big group of friends coming together for an amazing cause.”
Now, the downtown Gulfport 5k walk/ run that had a mere 15 runners in its inaugural year has ballooned to more than 800 participants. The event also features guest speakers, most of whom are breast cancer survivors, games, activities, live music, contests, ven-
dors, and lots and lots of food and cocktails.
Carter’s Champions has also grown immeasurably since that first Pink Dress Run with the addition of other annual events, includ- ing Boot Scootin’ Boobies, held at Ground Zero in Biloxi, Boatin’ for Boobies, a boat parade partnership with Captain Al’s in Gulfport, and Bouy Fish Tournament, a fishing tourney part- nership with C. Roberds General Contractors in Ocean Springs.
Derouen said the organization’s goal is
to eventually raise $1 million annually by
adding more events and harnessing more community donations. Currently, Carter’s Champions falls under the nonprofit char-
ter of the Memorial Hospital Foundation
in Gulfport, but Carter and Derouen are
tirelessly working to gain a non-profit
chapter of their own.
“This will enable us to help individuals
all over the Coast,” Carter said. “Eventually, I’d
like to grow it throughout the state and then possibly even grow it into other states.”
Carter’s Champions 228.257.6967 Facebook @carterschampions
Jourdan Derouen and John Carter.
January 2025 | 55

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