Page 57 - South Mississippi Living - February, 2025
P. 57
energy reserves. Just before spawning, they reach their maximum weights for the year. They normally spawn around deep structures in Mississippi Sound or the Gulf of Mexico. Spawning typically begins in January and peaks in February, but runs through March, possibly April.
Like drum, sheepshead occasionally slurp minnows, cut fish or squid, but traditionally favor crustaceans. Sheepshead commonly eat barnacles, crunching them with their human- like teeth set in muscular jaws. With crusher teeth perfectly suited for smashing barnacles and other shelled creatures, sheepshead lurk near hard structures. Besides barnacles, sheepshead also devour shrimp, crabs and clams.
The toothy fish can’t resist a small crab. Sometimes called “sheepshead candy,” fiddler crabs make excellent bait. Sheepshead also like small blue crabs. Hook a small live crab through its shell by the rounded swimming fin. Many people
break larger crabs into two to four succulent pieces. Drop these enticements next to bridge or dock pilings, seawalls, jetties or other barnacle-encrusted structures.
More accustomed to crunching sedentary barnacles, sheepshead don’t chase down prey. Despite their size, teeth and impressive strength, sheepshead almost timidly examine morsels before gingerly tasting them.
Highly challenging to catch, sheepshead habitually snip baits off hooks with their human-like incisor teeth without ever touching metal. Old-timers used to quip, “Set the hook before a sheepshead bites.” Once hooked, they just hunker down in entangling, cover and dare people to pull them to the surface.
The state established many artificial reefs along the Mississippi coast to attract fish. Any of these hard structures should hold big sheepshead and black drum. For more information on Mississippi artificial reefs, see
FACING PAGE: Two anglers show off a large black drum they caught off a dock.
FAR LEFT: Sheepsheads have some impressive dental work.
LEFT: Sheepshead stay active in the winter. BOTTOM FAR LEFT: Black drum grow very large and provide good sport.
BOTTOM LEFT: Even on the coldest days, anglers can still catch sheepshead.
BELOW: Everything in salt water will eat a live shrimp.
BELOW RIGHT: A young angler with a big black drum she caught.
February 2025 | 57