Page 65 - South Mississippi Living - November, 2016
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than a combined 200 pounds with help from South Mississippi Surgical Weight Loss Center. ABOVE: The Dunbars before their weight loss with their grandchildren.
Mississippi Surgical Weight Loss Center. This six-month class, required by their insurance, taught them how to eat correctly and how to control their portions. In their opin- ion, it was one of the best things they did for themselves.
“At first, the weight was falling off pretty fast,” said Vir- gil, who lost 53 pounds following the class. His wife lost 37 pounds during those first few months. In March 2016, they both had a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) at Singing River Hospital performed by Dr. Pete Avara.
Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy permanently reduces the size of the stomach, therefore limiting food intake and decreasing the sense of hunger. During surgery, the sur- geon removed 60-80 percent of the stomach creating a new “sleeve” stomach.
Since the surgery, Pat has lost 49 more pounds and Vir- gil lost an additional 63 pounds. Today, the Dunbars eat six small meals a day, controlling their portions and balancing proteins and carbohydrates.
“Since the surgery, our meal size is about four ounces
— 2 ounces of protein and 2 ounces of carbs,” said Pat. “We don’t eat sugar or high fat foods. We eat more fresh veggies and fruits instead of processed foods. We have learned not to go back to the stove for second helpings.”
The couple also started exercising. “Dr. Avara told us
to do something that makes us sweat and gets our heart rate up,” adds Pat. “We started walking the Ocean Springs beach or the bridge.”
Pat began a “Couch to 5K” program and they both joined a gym. Now, they work out three times a week. They recently finished their first 5K, the Ingalls 5K on the Cause- way benefitting the Special Olympics.
“To be able to walk 3.1 miles in less than an hour is a great accomplishment when I couldn’t walk a hundred yards last year without being out of breath,” added Virgil.
Dr. William Avara, III
The Dunbars agree they are healthier and feel better; both have more energy and stamina, and even sleep better. Everyday things like tying their shoes and crossing their legs were hard for them, but now life is easier and they are more active.
“A year ago I could not walk behind my self-propelled mower and now I mow the yard using the same mower and the self propel function is no longer working,” said Vir-
gil. “We enjoy going to festivals and being able to browse around without looking for a place to sit down every few minutes because of back pain.”
For both of them, the best reward of this process is knowing they will have an active, healthy future.
“Finally, we can think of the future without the worry that we won’t be physically able to do anything,” said Pat. “We look forward to watching our granddaughters grow up, to being there for their dance recitals, for their first dates and for graduations.”
They feel the help they received at South Mississippi Surgical Weight Loss Center in addition to the surgery was essential in their success. From the nutritionist to the sur- geon, they agree everyone at the center was supportive and served as cheerleaders for their progress.
Led by medical director and surgeon Dr. William “Pete” Avara, III, South Mississippi Surgical Weight Loss Cen-
ter has helped thousands of people in the region obtain a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Avara has practiced general surgery since 1987 and has performed more than 3,000 bariatric procedures.
November 2016 • SOUTH MISSISSIPPI Living 65
South Mississippi Surgical Weight Loss Center
1124 Oakleigh Road, Ocean Springs 228.872.7277 •

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