Page 41 - Alcorn Magazine - Spring, 2019
P. 41

Alcorn State University faculty and sta  that donated to the University were honored for their generous giving during the annual All For One Faculty and Sta  Giving Campaign events held in the James L. Bolden Student Union Ballroom. To show appreciation to those who gave during the campaign, donors were presented certi cates for their support of the university.  e Alcorn Jazz Combo performed selections for the crowd.
 e Center For Information Technology Services (CITS) at Alcorn State University
is expanding its team of professionals.  e University welcomed Dr. Willie Benson as CITS’ new chief information o cer Tuesday, May 15. His duties include establishing and directing strategic goals, policies and proce-
dures for the Center. Benson is also responsible for determining Alcorn’s long-term system needs, directing an information man- agement budget, strategic and tactical planning, and business process.
Alcorn State University’s School of Agricul- ture and Applied Sciences has added, Renita Lacy, a journalist to its team to chronicle the happenings in the department. Lacy accepted a sta  writer position in the School’s O ce of Land Grant Communications.
Heartfelt testimonials and laughter  lled the James L. Bolden Campus Union Ballroom  ursday June 28 as more than 300 members of the Alcorn State University community honored Dr. Alfred Rankins Jr. – the university’s 19th president – during a farewell celebration on the Lorman Campus. Rankins began his service as Commissioner of Higher Education for the Missis- sippi Institutions of Higher Learning on July 1st.
Gospel Music Director for WPRL 91.7 FM, Jerome Myles Sr. continues to bring light to Alcorn State University’s radio station with his success in radio production. Myles won the Best in Gospel Music Award at the 44th annual Jackson Music Awards Monday, July 30 at the Downtown Marriott in Jackson, Mississippi.
Dillon West, a Natchez, Mississippi native who serves as a computer lab proctor in the J. D. Boyd Library, won the R&B Announcer of the Year Award at the 44th annual Jackson Music Awards Monday, July 30. West is proud of claiming the award after his  rst nomination.
Alcorn State University School of Business professor Dr. Benedict Udemgba, was hon- ored at the 31st annual Higher Education Appreciation Day - Working for Academ-
ic Excellence (HEADWAE) Program in Jackson for his quality classroom leadership. HEADWAE was established by a Mississippi
Legislative Resolution to annually honor academically talented students and faculty members of Mississippi’s higher education institutions
Casey Mock, the  nance and accounting manager for the ASU Foundation, Inc., recently received a certi cate in nonpro t management through the University of Texas at Austin. Upon completion of the program, Mock received certi cation along with indi- vidual certi cations for each of the 12 units the program covered.
WPRL 91. 7 FM at Alcorn State University
has added Dr. Elizabeth Myles as a host of
an agricultural marketing show.  e Mar-
keting With Myles Radio Show airs every
Tuesday from 2-2:30 p.m.  e show informs
the audience of news and topics in agricul-
ture that will include market research and
diversi cation, direct marketing, branding
and promotion, marketing plan development, and much more.  e show also features local farmers and others in the agricultur- al profession.

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