Page 7 - Mississippi/Louisiana Gaming News - Spring, 2024
P. 7
5 Minutes With... Mitzie Slavicek
What, where, when was your first job in the gaming industry?
I began my journey in the mid ’90s at Hollywood Casino in Aurora, Illinois, as
a dealer. The Midwest had a lot to learn about gaming and so did I. I was new to the jurisdiction, and I was able to stand next
to and learn from some incredibly talented people.
What do you like best about your current job?
I love a high-paced environment and working with people. Mississippi has further showed me the passion, fun, and challenges that can be possible in the gaming industry.
What is the best piece of business advice you ever received and from whom did you receive it?
There wasn’t just one. I’ve had many mentors who taught me the importance of growth for my co-workers, property, and myself. Their advice was, “Change is a constant, how you approach it defines who you are.”
Name Mitzie Slavicek
Current Title Senior Vice President &
General Manager
Company Isle Casino Hotel Lula, Caesars Entertainment
Years In The Gaming Industry 30 Years
What advice do you have for those just starting in the gaming industry?
Don’t rush it and enjoy the ride. Success doesn’t come overnight, do the right things for the right reasons and the rest will come along.
How do you define “success”?
Success to me is when you are helping those around you succeed.
What is something you do each day just for yourself?
I make a conscious effort to count my blessings.
What is it about the gaming industry that makes it a good industry?
For one, worldwide endless possibilities. It also affords those in the industry the chance to excel in areas that they may have been unfamiliar with. I have often watched team members come into areas and succeed by developing skills they were unaware they possessed.