Page 98 - South Mississippi Living - August, 2017
P. 98

DOWNTOWNS thriving
DOWNTOWNShealthy MAKING a comeback
98 SOUTH MISSISSIPPI Living • August 2017
story by Lynn Lofton photos courtesy of Stone County Economic Development Partnership, Main Street Biloxi District and Teddy Lewis.
Downtowns are making a comeback all around South Mississippi. They fell victim to the vagaries of changing times, recession, neglect and hurricanes but are now seeing revitalization and growth.
Biloxi is coming back in a big way, Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce Director Tina Ross-Seamans says. “There are so many passionate small business owners in Downtown who have created strong bonds and each one helps the others to succeed,” she said. “There is a wide variety of businesses from art, restaurants, co-working space, vintage furniture and everything in between. But, we can definitely use more retail, including clothing, art, and the like, and a wider variety of late night restaurants that host live music.”
Jana Franco, owner of Junction Co-Working, added, “More and more visitors and locals are coming out to enjoy all the great restaurants, music, night life, art district, retail and the history of Downtown Biloxi.
“A coordinated effort of small business owners are working together to market their areas. West End – Howard Avenue is a great example of the synergy that owners are creating
by opening their doors for side walk sales and bringing in vendors and artists. The Rue Magnolia and Vieux Marche areas are doing the same, partnering with the Biloxi
Bay Chamber and Biloxi Main Street to promote events throughout the year.”
Ross-Seamans believes the Shuckers baseball park has had
a positive impact. “It’s not what was expected, but it seems to get better every year. There aren’t many other activities going on just yet in the heart of Downtown, but that is where all of these enthusiastic entrepreneurs are making strides,” she said. “It’s getting very exciting down here and it’s a great time to invest in the area for the city and private investors alike.”
Downtown Biloxi, MS

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