Page 83 - South Mississippi Living - July, 2020
P. 83

the driver of Moss Point’s economy. The I-10/Highway 613 Corridor is a “green” corridor o ering scenic landscapes and  quick access to rivers, bayous, nature, tourism attractions, and other activities position Moss Point as the Epicenter of Outdoor Adventure.
The Main Street program implements the city’s downtown development strategy through a four-point approach focused on Economic Vitality, Design, Promotion, and Organization. “The city has invested millions of dollars in infrastructure and downtown amenities for the Main Street program to leverage and build upon,” Mayor King said.
Moss Point Active Citizens, known for over 30 years as MPAC, sponsors the annual Christmas by the River portion of the city’s Christmas festivities. A community staple for over 25 years, the Celebrations Committee’s Fall de Rah
decorations and Cruisin’ the River City support delight residents and visitors alike.
“The newly established Moss Point Community Development Fund (MPCDF) envisions a River City where residents take an active role in tangible projects that physically change our surroundings, nurturing the reality of Moss Point widely regarded as a safe, welcoming, and thriving community,” Mayor King noted.
FACING PAGE: PELICAN LANDING CONFERENCE CENTER is open for weddings and events, new boardwalk expansion underway, and a bicycle touring program debuts in July.
TOP RIGHT: MOSS POINT MAYOR Mario King, leading progressive economic development projects.
City of Moss Point
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