Page 53 - Alcorn Magazine - Spring, 2019
P. 53
Melanie McReynolds lands scienti c research position at Princeton University
By solidifying a postdoctoral research associate position at Princ- eton University’s Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Melanie McReynolds has by far surpassed the goals she set for her scienti c career.
“It is hard to nd the words to express how I feel about accepting this position,” said McReynolds, who earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Alcorn State University in 2009. “I’m elated, hum- bled and blessed to have the opportunity to do my postdoctoral training at Princeton University. It’s a surreal feeling, but I see how all the work and e ort over the years are paying o .”
McReynolds, who participated in the Bridges to Doctorate Program between Alcorn and Pennsylvania State University, will spend the next year researching biochemistry/biophysics with an emphasis on the core roles of metabolic regulation in regards to human health and disease. Her choice of study hits home for McReynolds because of the number of family members who su er from metabolic dis- orders.
“ e mechanisms behind health disparities continue to peak my research interests, particularly those associated with metabolic dis- orders. is is of a particular interest to me because of the alarming number of people that succumb to metabolic disorders and diseases within my family, such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity.”
During her time as a student, McReynolds gained quality scientif- ic experience that shaped her passion for the eld today. She was rst introduced to biomedical research in Bangalor, India where she interned at St. John’s Medical College, which was an opportunity that she got while a student in Alcorn’s Department of Biological Sciences. She also participated in the Summer Research Internship Program at the University of Virginia and worked as a lab tech- nician at the Army Environmental Research and Developmental Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, Mississippi.
“At an early age, I found science to be very intriguing, challenging and rewarding. I have had the privilege of gaining research exposure and experience throughout my undergraduate and graduate tenure, therefore increasing my passion and strengthening my relationship for science. Overall, my experiences have provided me with the nec- essary background to ensure my success as a scientist. e art of being able to ask and answer any question is remarkable. rough science and research, I have the ability to tackle the health ques- tions, concerns and issues that a ect our communities most.”
McReynolds’ dedication to science and research has created new avenues of success for one Alcorn State University alumna.
She was recently selected by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) as one of 15 Hanna Gray Fellows. As part of her selection, McReynolds was awarded $1.4 million in funding over the next eight years from HHMI.
McReynolds’ latest accomplishment will allow her to pursue further research on aging and metabolism. She’s thankful to see the fruits of her labor pay o .
“I feel blessed and highly favored,” said McReynolds. “Being select- ed means the work I’ve done was not in vain. Over the last year, I’ve learned the true meaning of walking by faith and not by sight. It’s beautiful to witness the seeds I’ve planted become a full harvest after weathering the storms.”
Because of years of experience, McReynolds is con dent in her ability to discover methods that would lead to better health as the body ages.
“Over the last decade, there has been an increase of evidence sup- porting the notion that the decline of NAD+, an essential metab- olite, is associated with aging and disease. My graduate work ex- plained the developmental and physiological roles of NAD+. With my background and expertise in the eld, this positioned me into the perfect direction to tackle this question.”
During her tenure at Princeton, McReynolds has grasped many concepts that she believes can be groundbreaking in the scienti c realm.
“Over the last year, I’ve learned the true meaning of walking by faith and not by sight.”
“I’ve been working over the last year, and I have a plethora of excit- ing ndings that will truly impact and bene t the eld. I’m looking forward to getting my work out and building on the body of scien- ti c knowledge and literature.”
Winning the award will also aid McReynolds in transitioning into her career as an independent researcher.
“ is research will also help launch my independent career. ere- fore, I hope to nd my speci c niche in the world of aging and me- tabolism that will enhance the trajectory of my career and research agenda.”
Once her research is done, McReynolds hopes that her ndings are the keys to graceful aging.
“I’m pretty hopeful that my research will promote healthier aging. When we retire, we should be able to truly bene t from the fruit of our labor without the fear of age-associated ailments such as di- abetes, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. ese ndings will build the foun- dation for me to create nutraceuticals in the future that protects us from the harsh associations of aging.”