Page 2 - Alcorn Magazine - Spring, 2019
P. 2

Alcorn State University is with excellence. With its high rankings on multiple lists that highlight the country’s best colleges and universities and its
dominance in athletics and the classroom, Alcorn has become a constant name in conversations about great institutions of higher learning.
 roughout my career here, I’ve realized that one of our greatest assets is our sense of community. As you read the pro les of our faculty, sta , and students, you will  nd that they all have one commonality; they love the beautiful, family-oriented atmosphere that has nurtured Alcorn’s rise.
 e people of Alcorn are what make the university successful. We care for each other and desire to see each other grow and succeed. Our professors are the best at fostering the minds of our students, as they pave their own paths to greatness upon leaving this university. Our sta  members spend countless hours preparing students for the next steps on their college journey. We can’t forget about the bond that is shared amongst our employees, and because of these relationships, our employees feel con dent that their endeavors are supported and appreciated.
 ese faithful Alcornites are the reason why we are “ e Home of Scholars and Champions”.  eir willingness to share knowledge and character with the university community inspires us to continue to break barriers and collect accolades.  ey are the reason why Alcorn’s next generation will be leaders in the global marketplace and inspire signi cant growth and progress that bene ts us all.
A rising tide raises all boats. I am proud to lead a group of people whose primary focus is to uplift each other in our pursuit of excellence at “the Academic Resort”.
Donzell Lee, Ph.D. Interim President

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