Page 9 - Mississippi/Louisiana Gaming News - Winter, 2023
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the hope that anything is possible.
WASLOSKI: In terms of diversity, it is always positive to see a
diverse group of leaders in any industry or community. Diversity of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences can lead to better decision making and a more inclusive environment for everyone. As for the fact this is happening in Vicksburg, Mississippi, it is important to remember that diversity exists in all parts of the world. Mississippi has its own unique history and challenges,
but it also has a vibrant and diverse community that should be celebrated.
BEEDING: It is surprising because on a broader scale it is estimated that historically only about 10% of casino general managers are females and/or racially diverse... Perhaps Vicksburg is ahead of the curve, and could be an indicator of the direction top spots in the casino industry will trend towards in the future?
MGN: What does this level of diversity and inclusivity say about the gaming industry and the industry in Vicksburg, in particular?
WASLOSKI: It is worth noting that the industry has made good efforts in recent years to promote diversity and inclusion. It is encouraging to see progress being made in Vicksburg and other cities.
BEEDING: At Riverwalk, 62% of our team members are female and 76% are members of racial minorities. In Vicksburg, African Americans represent almost 70% of the population and females are the numerical majority with almost 52% of the local population. It seems a fair observation that the casino leadership in Vicksburg with three females and one African American male represents
and resembles the teams and community they serve, and since there is a shared source of commonality, these leaders should be in a better position to be responsive to the team members and community as a whole. A study by McKinsey & Company found that companies in the top 25% of racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above national industry medians and companies in the top 25% for gender diversity are 15% more likely to have financial returns above national industry medians. Again, perhaps Vicksburg is on to something and has recognized the close connection between diversity and success?
BANKSTON: It says that the American Dream lives here. Learn all you can, work hard and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. In Vicksburg in particular, it means someone without an advanced degree can make a good living and find advancement opportunities.
MGN: The examples of promoting from within and rising through the ranks are so prevalent in the gaming industry. What do you feel the gaming industry offers to anyone looking for a career rather than a job?
MORRIS: In my experience, the casino industry is one of the
only industries you enter as an entry-level employee and can gain invaluable experience that allows you to create a rewarding career for yourself. The casino industry integrates so many different industries to create an overall experience. Someone willing to learn has an opportunity to experience gateway career paths, such as finance, culinary art, informational technology, hotel management, and banking that transcends the gaming industry. And, for someone willing to travel, our industry offers a unique opportunity to transfer or advance to higher positions within the company.
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