Page 68 - South Mississippi Living - February, 2021
P. 68
Combining Decor Styles in a Shared Space
story by Holly Harrison and Shannon Stage
February is the month of hearts, owers and sappy movies. Valentine’s Day has been celebrated since the 14th century as a day to express a ection for those we love. Long before Hallmark was founded, folks celebrated the promise of spring and blossoming
love. Joining hearts and hands is one of life’s greatest celebrations no matter what month it is, but combining households can be another story! What do you do when your love languages seem to be communicating but your design styles are not?
Everyone’s design style is a re ection of who they are so tread lightly when it comes to telling someone their stu just doesn’t belong next to your stu . Everything in your home doesn’t have to match or be in the same style or even time period! Older, traditional pieces of furniture can work really well next to more modern ones. Sometimes seeing the unexpected makes a space more vibrant and interesting. There are ways to make rooms harmonious without throwing away the pieces your partner is attached to (most of the time). We
do have to say, the old saggy recliner has got to go! There are four R’s that can be helpful when
thinking about what goes and what stays – Relocate, Repurpose, Repaint, and Reevaluate.
Sometimes just rearranging the furniture and moving something to a new spot makes a huge di erence. Use the ends of hallways for the smaller pieces
of furniture that crowd the living area. Create a sitting area in a bedroom or add a chair to the foyer if you have some room. Hang an abstract, modern piece
of art in a very traditional setting. Covered porches can turn into additional living space when you add some furniture, art, and lighting. Over time, the furniture may deteriorate in the weather but if it is something you would get rid of otherwise, enjoy it while it lasts.