Page 178 - South Mississippi Living - February, 2016
P. 178
Mayor of D’Iberville
photo courtesy of Rusty Quave
2015 was a break-out year for the City of D’Iberville
and the Mississippi Gulf Coast in general, but it has
taken ten years to do it. As we look back, we have a lot
to be thankful for, and we look forward to projects on the horizon that will position D’Iberville to further solidify the Coast as a desirable destination.
We have focused our development efforts at the Interstate and in the old downtown and waterfront area of the City where much of our progress has been made. This past
year was a particularly good year with two major projects completed that will drive the next phase of our city’s growth. First has been the completion of the on and off ramps surrounding the Interstate10/110 interchange. At a cost of more than $40 million, these new access points at D’Iberville Boulevard, Lamey Bridge Road and Big Ridge Road will enable and funnel new visitors through the business district and to the downtown waterfront.
Second was the opening of the Scarlet Pearl casino resort. It has taken over 25 years to realize the opening of a casino and has been worth the wait. The Scarlet Pearl will be a game changer for the city and we are working closely with them to develop additional amenities, attractions and the infrastructure to attract new visitors to the region and the city. As employer, the Scarlet Pearl has created nearly 1,200 new jobs with an annual payroll of more than $30 million.
Adjacent to the Scarlet Pearl is an area we call the French Market. This area is the old downtown around Central Avenue and along the waterfront that will continue to take shape as new businesses and houses fill in. This development will create an exciting new neighborhood focused on a mix of smaller housing for workers, retirees and others seeking an in-town setting. Restaurants, shops and services are expected as the area transforms from the past to the new downtown.
The city is looking at several community projects in the French Market area that could be done in partnership with private development. Top of the list for the next phase
is the need for an event facility that can accommodate community events and promotions to drive business downtown. An attached hotel, an outdoor pavilion and elevated parking are needed as the primary components of the French Market. An expanded public harbor and waterfront development along Bayshore Drive round out the infrastructure needed to position the downtown area for long term sustainable growth of our newest industry, tourism.
The interstate district will continue to grow as market conditions become more favorable. The Galleria project and the plans for the Southeast and Southwest interstate quadrants remain very active and we hope that 2016 will see those projects begin to come out of the ground.
As we look back at 2015, we cannot simply look at one year. D’Iberville’s plans and growth have materialized as a result of a long range investment of time, money and effort in key target areas of the city. We wish good luck and success for all cities on the Mississippi Gulf Coast as this is One Coast for all of us.
178 SOUTH MISSISSIPPI Living • February 2016