Page 85 - South Mississippi Living - December, 2022
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story and photos courtesy of the
   Pathways2Possibilities (P2P) is an interactive, hands-on career exploration experience. All 8th graders from public and private schools plus homeschool students are invited to attend the expo. After the 8th graders depart, older Opportunity Youth ages 16-24 are invited to experience P2P in a private session. The Opportunity Youth are invited through a variety of alternative education and workforce development programs. Each student spends 90 minutes on the convention floor exploring the careers of their interest and engaging directly with the professionals who do those jobs everyday.
P2P started on the Mississippi Gulf Coast in November of 2013. Since the inaugural event, we have hosted over 101,000 Mississippi students presenting 49 of our state's 82 counties. Hundreds of companies, professionals, sponsors, partners and community volunteers make P2P possible each year.
We were pleased to present the 9th Annual P2P Gulf Coast
on Wednesday and Thursday, November 16 and 17 at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention Center in Biloxi, and look forward to the upcoming 2nd Annual P2P Central Mississippi on December 7 and 8 at the Jackson Convention Complex in Jackson and 5th Annual P2P Mississippi Delta on Wednesday and Thursday, February 8 and 9 at the Washington County Convention Center in Greenville.
Future dates to be confirmed first quarter 2023. P2P is scalable and transportable and we have developed and launched P2P in South Carolina, West Tennessee, and Greater Memphis Tennessee.
We are passionate about the education of all our middle school youth and we are committed to providing the tools to help them make better education and career planning decisions earlier. We want to help students stay in school and graduate prepared to continue their education and/or start a career.
          Karen Sock, CEO 901.651.7167 • KARENSOCK52@GMAIL.COM
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