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Mississippi Gaming and Hospitality Association
    Success stories come in several different ways
 Official Newsmagazine of the Mississippi Gaming Industry
SUMMER 2021 Volume XVIII Issue 3
W. Michael Sunderman
Lori Beth Susman
General Manager / Executive Editor
Mary Sunderman
Associate Publisher
David Grisham
Contributing Editor
Amy Chataginer
Business Manager
Brian Treadaway Missy Mitchell Madeline Simpson
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Copyright, 2021
Mississippi Gaming News
(MGN) is owned and published by M2 Media Corp., 12268 Intraplex Parkway, Gulfport, MS 39503. MGN is produced in cooperation with the Mississippi Gaming and Hospitality Association. The contents of MGN are copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited.
 By Larry Gregory
than we’ve seen in years. Recently, the American Gaming
Association updated their national rankings by state. I am excited to announce that the Mississippi Gulf Coast market is now the 5th largest gaming market at $1.04 billion. The Delta area came in as the 17th largest gaming market at $445 million. These statistics represent a notable moment in the storied history of Mississippi gaming.
Mississippi, once the third largest gaming market in the country, is moving back up to once again be one of the best casino markets in the United States. The gaming numbers and increase in tourists are proving that. Our industry must give credit to the employees and guests who believed that we could provide a fun and safe environment during this pandemic.
It is nice to hear from House Gaming Chairman Casey Eure, who said, “I think Mississippi casinos are some of the best in the country.” Eure’s leadership cannot be overstated.
Without a doubt, boom times are returning. We should, however, keep our eye on potential expansion in neighboring Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Florida. We must be mindful of increased sportsbook competition, too, including states with online sportsbooks like Tennessee. While no one can say how long the record-setting gaming revenue numbers can continue in Mississippi, we can take steps to ensure a bright future by doing what we do best — adapt and respond to changes in the market.
Larry Gregory is the executive director of the Mississippi Gaming and Hospitality Association. He can be reached at
Allen Godfrey, executive director of the Mississippi Gaming Commission,
has decided to retire effective Sept. 30 of this year.
Allen has had
a steady hand
at the gaming
wheel over the
past decade. He
has enhanced
and fortified
the sterling
reputation of
the Gaming
in all of his
Thanks to Allen
and those before him, there has not been one instance of impropriety or corruption in the gaming industry since its inception here. This is a source of great pride for members of our industry.
Thank you, Allen, for providing great leadership over the years. We wish you many successes in the years to come!
Speaking of successes. Our industry
is setting records in 2021. Mississippi casinos are taking more revenue now than they were before the pandemic. Our casinos are reporting approximately a 21% increase in gross gaming revenue so far this year compared to the same period in 2019. The Gulf Coast is the best performing jurisdiction.
The coastal casinos are on track to have the highest total gross gaming revenue ever. Given the record-breaking numbers, it should come as no surprise that there has been an uptick in state tourism. It has been reported that we are seeing a higher number of tourists
 Larry Gregory
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